Painting Details:
24×36″, acrylic, 1.5″ gallery-wrapped canvas
Although I’m a little late to the party as March was designated National Women in History Month, I’ll go ahead and honor the great women of history with this semi-abstract painting. Throughout history there have been determined women who have stood up for humanity often in the most challenging times. I’m thinking of Rosa Parks who stood up for civil rights and would not give up her seat for a white man on a segregated bus in 1955. Or Florence Nightingale, a British nurse who elevated the profession of nursing to an honorable status. Or Anne Frank, famous for her courage in the face of Nazi persecution and her diary written of the holocaust atrocities. She could be Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton, Mother Theresa or Harriet Beecher Stowe. Or thousands of others who have impacted the course of history and our very lives. In the midst of the darkness…”She Carries The Light”.